Aayush, a 16-year-old high school student from Weston, MA, organized a local service project to benefit Joslin's Child Life program, which helps children and adolescents incorporate the management of their diabetes into their daily lives. When asked why he wanted to do this project, Aayush answered.
I want to bring a smile to the faces of all the brave kids who are managing diabetes on a daily basis.
Aayush started a GoFundMe page to raise money. He made a flyer with wish list items and handed it out to his community. He also set up specific times to pick up these donations from his neighbors. Aayush commented, “I was very happy to see how everyone I reached out to was eager to help and support this cause. The response has encouraged me to do more in the future.”
In the end, Aayush raised more than $1,000! We also received many donated toys like puzzles, books, and science kits. We even received a build-your-own-fort kit with big pieces of cardboard!
Aayush ended by saying, “I want to say a big thank you for allowing me to do this and also say to all the kids that their courage and perseverance is very inspiring.” We are so grateful for Aayush and all the hard work he put into this project!