Dr. Halprin with Latino Patient

The Joslin Diabetes Center Latinx Program provides high quality and culturally appropriate care to people with diabetes of Latino heritage. Patients learn about the different types of diabetes, the best ways to manage it, and prevent its complications. Our team provides services in Spanish and English. 

Latinx is a new word that emerged in recent years as a gender-free alternative to Latino or Hispanic.  

Explore the Latinx Initiative

What does the Latinx Diabetes Initiative offer?

A bilingual clinic and education program, staffed by our team of bilingual providers, including:

  • diabetes specialists (doctor) for adults and the pregnancy clinic
  • kidney specialist (doctor) for adults
  • nurse practitioners and certified diabetes educators
  • a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator
  • administrative support staff

Other specialty services are available with an interpreter for podiatry, neurology, cardiology, and ophthalmology.

The Latinx Diabetes Initiative also offers education and diabetes screenings for patients, as well as training for providers through our local, national and international community outreach efforts

Community Outreach

Joslin's Latinx Diabetes Initiative extends its presence within the local community, particularly the medically underserved in the Greater Boston area. We do this by providing diabetes education, screening and health advocacy through community-based partnerships.

Staff members attend local health fairs—including many Latinx health fairs and cultural festivals—and offer educational and screening services through churches, schools and other community-based organizations. In addition, the Latinx Diabetes Initiative plays an active role in local advocacy initiatives, community consortiums and cultural competence training programs.


Mother and daughter preparing meal at home

Managing Diabetes

In the Diabetes Learning Center you will find information on diabetes and nutrition, diabetes and physical activity, how to treat a low blood glucose or care for your diabetes when you are ill, how to avoid the complications of diabetes and numerous other topics about how you can better care for and manage your diabetes.

Joslin Doctor examining Joslin patient.

How to make an appointment

Providers may refer patients for specialized care at Joslin's Latinx Clinic or for our diabetes education classes. If you are a patient and would like to come to Joslin, please call us at (617) 309-2490

Joslin Diabetes Center Boston Office

Directions & Parking

It's easy to drive directly to Joslin. Whether you're coming from the north, south, east, or west, interstate 90 and route 9 are the closest highways. Get detailed driving directions from your location.

CDC 2019 More than half of Hispanic/Latino American adults are expected to develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime.

Latinx Diabetes Initiative Team

Elizabeth Halprin
Elizabeth Halprin, MD
Staff Physician
Section Chief, Adult Diabetes
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Joanna Mitri
Joanna Mitri, MD, MS
Research Associate and Staff Physician
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Sylvia Rosas
Sylvia Rosas, MD, MSCE
Investigator and Staff Physician
Director, Latino Kidney Clinic
Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Maria Koen, Nurse Practitioner
Maria Koen, FNP
Nurse Practitioner
Nicole Patience
Nicole Patience, MS, RDN, LDN,CDE, CEDRD
Nutrition Educator
Eating Disorder Specialist

Questions? Call Joslin's Latinx Diabetes Initiative at (617) 309-2490.